Contact Us

Would you like to know more about our products, offerings, and services? Submit a request below for a quick response from one of our dedicated teams.

Your feedback is valued. The following channels are allocated to better assist you:

General Feedback: [email protected]
Complaints: [email protected]

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Bogawantalawa Tea Estates PLC
Head Office,
153 Nawala Road, Narahenpita,
Colombo 05, Sri Lanka.

Phone :+94 11 2510000
Email:[email protected]

Bogawantalawa Tea Ceylon (Pvt) Ltd
Export Processing Center,
24 Parakrama Road, Mathumagala,
Ragama, Sri Lanka.

Phone :+94 114 789 999
Email (Sri Lanka):[email protected]

We are on social media too & would love to hear from you!