Bogawantalawa, as one of the leading Tea growing, Manufacturing and Marketing company was bestowed the Presidential Environmental Award for the contribution made towards the environment and attaining international recognition. The awards ceremony was held in November 2019 organized by the Central Environmental Authority.
This honor was bestowed upon the company for the contribution made towards Environmental sustainability and the international recognitions received under four categories; ‘New Sustainable Product Award’ at the Global Sustainability awards held in Amsterdam, ‘Global Green Award’ at the international Green Environment awards held in Turkey, ‘Sustainable Leadership Award’ at the World Sustainability Awards held in Jakarta and the ‘Green Ambassador honor’ by Green Apple Awards presented at the Houses of Parliament in Westminster – London
Going beyond Carbon Neutral status, Bogawantalawa has achieved the pinnacle of environmental sustainability by reaching ‘Uncompensated Climate Positive’ status certified for product and facility. Causing a paradigm shift in the Ceylon Tea industry and how it is viewed globally Bogawantalawa is the world’s 1st Tea growing, manufacturing and marketing company to offer Uncompensated Climate Positive Teas traceable from garden gate up to shipping.
In addition to this, ‘Net Zero Energy’ status has been achieved by the company by harnessing renewable energy through solar and hydropower projects, where the power generated via these sources and sent to the national grid is more than the energy consumption of the company.
While conforming to the principals of sustainable food to provide ultimate value to our discerning customers and stakeholders, Bogawantalawa ensures sustainable management of the natural resources, eco systems and social wellbeing by making it part of our core operation.
Our Group Chairman, Mr. Dinesh Ambani: “Sustainability is in our DNA and by aligning all our operations to be socially and environmentally responsible, we are proud to be in the forefront, creating a new direction for the industry which is undoubtedly the way forward”.
Mr. Thusitha Bandara, Director of Sustainability and R&D: “It is with pride we receive these recognitions and we believe that all our initiatives will spur generations to come to make a difference to the environment and the way we live”.